Friday, September 7, 2012


This week was a little bit more CRAZY than usual. 

But, first some bliss: I kicked this week  off by turning 26 on Monday. We had friends over all weekend to help celebrate. It was really nice seeing friends I haven't seen in a long time!

Elisha baked me TWO cakes this weekend! On Saturday night, he helped our friend Maerissa bake me a cake. It was SOOOO delicious! NOT kidding--and Elisha did most of the work, Maerissa just guided him! (Matt put on the sprinkles). :)

On Monday night, my actual birthday, my hubby and Elisha baked me ANOTHER cake. It was equally delicious! :) I had a nice birthday. I didn't sleep in or even go out to do anything, really. In fact I got up early and went to help a friend clean a house she was moving out of for a few hours. Then I said goodbye to our friends who were in town all weekend who were going back home. Then we ate nachos and birthday cake for dinner with fam and friends and watched a movie. It was a nice and simple day. :)

We had a lot of fun just laying around taking these pics on Monday afternoon. Elisha makes the same silly faces as his daddy!

Now for the crazy: Elisha has been having a rough time following directions this week. Not to mention he is hungry ALL the time which means ANOTHER growth spurt more than likely AND I think he is coming down with a cold, so he has been very emotional and grumpy. I had to spend most of yesterday cleaning up the house and catching up on housework, laundry, etc. Our lessons have been very choppy. But, I still find him singing our songs and talking about some of our lessons. He is all about pointing out letters and numbers that he finds on signs, buildings, etc. I have to constantly remind myself that homeschooling is not exactly following a schedule. Sometimes I need to be flexible and give him opportunities to learn through other activities rather than our lesson plans.

Today has been our most "normal" day (so far) this week. We went for our walk, read our stories, sang our songs, played our computer games. And we still have a whole afternoon ahead of us for playing, painting, worksheets or whatever we want. Even though spontaneity can be a lot of fun, I still like days like this--where we have sort of a routine. :)

Elisha played his Reading Eggs game this morning.

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